JPSO Police Sexual Violence & PREA- graphic content warning

The law says there’s no such thing as consensual sex under the Prison Rape Elimination Act because of the power imbalance.

By: Tracie Burke | Motion to Quash LLC | November 18, 2020

The seal of secrecy of sexual misconduct by fellow police officers is a serious obstacle in controlling police sexual violence and achieving police accountability in Louisiana.

As more efforts to stem sexual abuse by members of law enforcement in Louisiana come to light, there are victims still seeking justice for the police sexual violence they suffered, specifically in Jefferson Parish.

Motion to Quash LLC obtained evidence that Sheriff Lopinto and District Attorney Paul Connick improperly investigated reports of police sexual violence that occurred, and continues to occur by law enforcement and employees of Jefferson Parish. “Some high ranking members in law enforcement across Louisiana are using hidden cameras during intercourse without the subjects knowledge, some while on duty. Then the officers share the videos with others,” according to the disclosure obtained by Motion to Quash LLC.

“Survivors of police sexual violence are the only survivors of sexual assault who have to report the assault to the people that committed it. That’s the main reason they’re not reported,” one victim told Motion to Quash LLC.

The Sheriff and the DA are reluctant to take reports or complaints of police sexual violence—often trying to dissuade victims from making them, and even wrongly categorizing reports of abuse in an attempt to diminish their severity and impact.

If that fails, Sheriff Lopinto, District Attorney Paul Connick and their officers, have been known to actively pursue a victim’s silence through direct threats and intimidation.

One victim in Jefferson Parish told Motion to Quash LLC that she was “given the run around” by internal affairs officers, who intimidated and discouraged her from making the report, and instead issued her a battered women’s broshure and instructed her to call the hotline on the broshure for support.

Motion to Quash LLC takes action against police sexual violence by helping victims in Jefferson Parish file lawsuits, but there are no civil provisions yet for the Prison Rape Elimination Act. Urge congress this session to pass a bill that allows civil provisions under PREA. Now is the time for action and we urge Congress to get an amendment passed that provides a civil remedy for victims of Police Sexual Violence in Louisiana. 

Here is a copy of the victim’s lawsuit for damages. Warning, this content may be distressing for victims of sexual assault.


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“On October 26, 2020, defendant [name redacted] an employee of the Jefferson Parish District Attorney’s Office, sexually harassed the plaintiff via text message. Without warning or provocation, the defendant transmitted unsolicited photos of his own genitalia to the plaintiff. This hostile act by the defendant caused the plaintiff extreme emotional distress,” the lawsuit alledges

The law says there’s no such thing as consensual sex under the Prison Rape Elimination Act because of the power imbalance. Clearly, this situation demands pressing and serious attention, including passing bills promoting civil provisions for victims of the Prison Rape Elimination Act.


Advocate for Civil Provisions for the Prison Rape Elimination Act by sending a message to your Congress members, asking them to take concrete action to provide civil remedies for PREA victims in Louisiana. 


Click Directory of House of Representatives to contact and send a message to your House Representatives using the contact information and forms provided through this link.


You may copy and paste the letter below into the message field of any contact form or you may use it in the body of emails to your House Representatives. Be sure to enter the name of your representative at the start of the message, and include or sign your name at the end. Consider adding your own personal anecdote or observation to the messages you send. 

Dear Member of Congress [Name]:

As your constituent, I am writing today to ask for your support of Civil Provisions for Victims of PREA.  I am sure that every day you have a multitude of bills crossing your desk, but I ask you to pay specific attention to those pertaining to and affecting law enforcement that promotes civil provisions for PREA victims in Louisiana. While there have been efforts to provide remedies for victims of police sexual violence in criminal court, there are no provisions for victims of police sexual violence in civil court. Clearly, this situation demands pressing and serious attention, including passing bills promoting civil provisions for the Prison Rape Elimination Act. Now is the time for action and I urge you to get an amendment passed that provides a civil remedy for victims of Police Sexual Violence in Louisiana. 

As a supporter of Motion to Quash LLC, a non-partisan online publication dedicated to advocating for civil remedies under PREA, and raising awareness of the Prison Rape Elimination Act, I urge you to protect the integrity of PREA by supporting legislation on its behalf this session.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding the positive steps you are taking to advance civil remedies for victims of police sexual violence in the immediate and long-term future. 


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Recognized by the National Whistleblower Center (NWC), Tracie Burke is Louisiana author of She can be reached at Motion to Quash LLC successfully promoted legislation that supports the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 and amendments to the Whistleblower Protection Act. Please Support journalism in the public interest by contributing today. Click here to donate Motion to Quash ISSN 2644-1594 is the copyrighted property of Motion to Quash LLC 2019.  NWC’s mission is to support whistleblowers in their efforts to expose and help prosecute corruption and other wrongdoing around the world.