Ethics Scores 24th JDC Election 2024

Scientific research shows that campaign contributions are correlated with judges’ decisions. There is a crisis with the court’s legitimacy in Louisiana and this issue is very salient now for a variety of reasons. There are political concerns, case-related concerns, and financial concerns. 

A study by Damon Cann, a Political Science instructor at Georgia University, asks whether judges are more likely to rule in favor of attorneys who provide financial support to their campaigns. He shows that campaign contributions are indeed correlated with judges’ decisions. (Cann, Damon M. “Justice for Sale? Campaign Contributions and Judicial Decisionmaking.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly, vol. 7, no. 3, 2007, pp. 281–97. JSTOR, Accessed 29 Feb. 2024)

Judicial ethics in Louisiana is a pretty hot topic for Motion to Quash LLC. There is discussion about judges taking advantage of elections to promote their own interests. There is discussion about judges showing favor with attorneys who donate to their campaigns. There is discussion about making it illegal for judges to accept contributions from attorneys who may appear before them. Join the Campaign for Judicial Integrity in Louisiana here.

One of the most important tenets in the Code of Judicial Conduct is that judges should avoid the appearance of impropriety. 28 USC section 455 – enacted by Congress, binds them and sets the standard for all the courts.

None of the three candidates for 24th JDC have been following the judicial set of guidelines when it comes to providing financial support to their campaigns. Jefferson Parish has been out of step with the norms governing Louisiana since Operation Wrinkled Robe, championed by Jim Letten, proved campaign support in Jefferson Parish was given with a criminal intent, not a political one.

Ethics Scores for 24th JDC Candidates for 3/23/2024 Election

24th JDC
Candidate averageF33%
Jackie MaloneyF33%
Jerry SmithF33%
Lindsey ValentiD67%

Jackie Maloney- Ethics score F (33%) 

As a judicial candidate Jackie Maloney received $29,400 campaign contributions from 44 attorneys who may appear before her if elected. Ms. Maloney received $2500 from 5 attorneys and $1,000 from 5 attorneys. $500 was issued by 14 attorneys. 

As an attorney, Jackie Maloney issued over five thousand dollars in campaign contributions to 7 Judges in her district of practice. 

Jerry Smith Ethics score F (33%)

From the time period 2020 to the present, Jerry Smith received over $115,000 from over 180 attorneys who may appear before him if elected. Mr. Smith received $2500 from 13 attorneys and $1,000 from 21 attorneys. $500 was issued by 50 attorneys. 

From the time period 2019 to the present, Jerry Smith issued $3650 to 10 judges in the 24th JDC.

Lindsey Valenti Ethics score D (67%)

As a candidate, Lindsey Valenti received more than $150, 000 from over 130 attorneys who may appear before her if elected. Ms. Valenti received $2,500 from 36 attorneys and $1,000 from 22 attorneys. $500 was received by 42 atorneys.

As an attorney, Lindsey Valenti issued zero dollars to Judges, thus earning her a higher score despite receiving the most money.


For consistency, the total scores were based on these three principles:

  1. Campaign contributions issued (5 possible points)
  2. Campaign contributions received (5 possible points)
  3. Disclosures/conflicts of interest (5 possible points)

Only when candidates scored 15 for the whole package did they score 100 percent. Campaigns are dynamic. We welcome your feedback. If you see a candidate’s position has changed, send us an email to with the new information. The spreadsheets are free and printable. Campaign finance reports were obtained from the Ethics Board’s website and the Ethics Disclosures can be found on the Louisiana Supreme Court’s website. 

Recognized by the National Whistleblower Center (NWC), Tracie Burke is Louisiana author of  Motion to Quash LLC successfully promoted legislation that supports the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 and amendments to the Whistleblower Protection Act. Please Support journalism in the public interest. Click here to donate Motion to Quash ISSN 2644-1594 is the copyrighted property of Motion to Quash LLC 2019.  NWC’s mission is to support whistleblowers in their efforts to expose and help prosecute corruption and other wrongdoing around the world.