Jefferson Parish Anti-Corruption Scorecard for 3/26/2022 Election

By Tracie Burke | Motion to Quash LLC | March 7, 2022

Motion to Quash LLC investigated long standing campaign finance abuse in Jefferson Parish to create the scorecards for this election. 

We created a comprehensive list of campaign contributions for the candidates. The campaign contributions were totaled on the time period from March 6, 2007- to March 6, 2022. The grand total was $3,631,929.

Loans, contractor contributions, and gaming interests were included in the totals.

Only four (22%) of the eighteen candidates scored A+ for anti-corruption, while five (28%) of the candidates scored F.

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The total campaign contributions were based on the financial statements for the candidates on the Board of Ethics website. 

Download the spreadsheet and click on the Grades tab to view the scorecard. Then, click on the name to view the candidate’s folder.


For consistency, the total scores were based on these three principles:

  1. Campaign contributions issued (5 points)
  2. Campaign contributions received (5 points)
  3. Disclosures/conflicts of interest (5 points)

Only when they scored 15 for the whole package did they score 100 percent. 

Campaigns are dynamic. We welcome your feedback. If you see a candidate’s position has changed, send us an email to with the new information.

Tracie Burke is Louisiana author of Motion to Quash. She can be reached at Motion to Quash LLC promotes legislation that supports the American Anti-Corruption Act. Please Support journalism in the public interest by donating today. Click here to donate.

©Motion to Quash LLC Gretna, LA 70053

Statewide Anti Corruption Scorecards Nov. 2021

By Tracie Burke | Motion to Quash LLC | September 26, 2021

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Integrity is a top issue facing Louisiana voters. Unfair business practices and long standing financial connections are breeding grounds for corruption. See how candidates score on integrity for the November 2021 Statewide/Multi-Parish Elections.

We based the candidate integrity scores on these three principles: Campaign Contributions Issued, Campaign Contributions Received, and Disclosures/Conflicts of Interest. 

Click here to view the SCORECARD. You can download and print the complimentary spreadsheet. Click on the Grades Tab to view each Candidate’s folder.

Internal Link


Candidates are graded on the number of critical issues for anti-corruption listed in the candidate scorecard, as divided into three overarching principles. We believe all of these issues are crucial for candidate integrity. 

We assigned a total possible score of 5 for each principle. For the sake of consistency, we treat individual issues equally: calculating fewer of these critical issues gets candidates a higher score—and only when they score 15 for the whole package do they score 100 percent.

We compiled candidate information from their campaign websites, in interviews, or from public and private sources. 

Campaigns are dynamic. We welcome your feedback—if you see a candidate’s position has changed, send us an email to  with the new information.

Tracie Burke is Louisiana author of Motion to Quash. She can be reached at Motion to Quash LLC promotes legislation that supports the American Anti-Corruption Act. Please Support journalism in the public interest by contributing today. Motion to Quash ISSN 2644-1594 is the copyrighted property of Motion to Quash LLC 2019 Click here to donate.