Access to Primary Legal Materials

Free Law Project

Free Law Project is a California non-profit public benefit corporation and a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) public charity whose specific purposes are primarily:

  • To provide free, public, and permanent access to primary legal materials on the Internet for educational, charitable, and scientific purposes to the benefit of the general public and the public interest;
  • To develop, implement, and provide public access to technologies useful for legal research;
  • To create an open ecosystem for legal research and materials;
  • To support academic research on related technologies, corpora, and legal systems; and
  • To carry on other charitable activities associated with these purposes, including, but not limited to, publications, meetings, conferences, trainings, educational seminars, and the issuance of grants and other financial support to educational institutions, foundations, and other organizations exclusively for educational, charitable, and scientific purposes as allowed by law.

In 2013, Free Law Project joined the Free Access to Law Movement.

RECAP Project — Turning PACER Around Since 2009

RECAP is an online archive and free extension for Firefox and Chrome that improves the experience of using PACER, the electronic public access system for the U.S. Federal District and Bankruptcy Courts. Add to Chrome Add to Firefox 

If you use PACER, install RECAP. Once installed, every docket or PDF you purchase on PACER will be added to the RECAP Archive. Anything somebody else has added to the archive will be available to you for free — right in PACER itself.

Tens of thousands of people have used RECAP. To join them, simply install it using the button above, and then use PACER as you normally would. It’s that simple. See How It Works

Search millions of opinions by case name, topic, or citation. 403 Jurisdictions. Sponsored by the Non-Profit Free Law Project.

Recognized by the National Whistleblower Center, Tracie Burke is Louisiana author of Motion to Quash. She can be reached at tracie@motiontoquash.orgMotion to Quash LLC promotes legislation that supports the American Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act. Please Support journalism in the public interest by contributing today. Motion to Quash ISSN 2644-1594 is the copyrighted property of Motion to Quash LLC 2019 Click here to donate. The National Whistleblower Center’s (NWC) mission is to support whistleblowers in their efforts to expose and help prosecute corruption and other wrongdoing around the world.