Join the Campaign for Judicial Integrity in Louisiana

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Have you ever been affected by a Judge’s decision in Louisiana? Did the decision affect you in such a way that you either lost money or have been left at risk of ongoing abuse or unable to see your children? Chances are that you have. Did you feel the system in Louisiana was corrupt? The answer to that is probably yes. If so, Motion to Quash LLC has the solution. Join the Campaign for Judicial Integrity in Louisiana.

We want the public to receive accurate and understandable information and show what you can do to rid Louisiana of Judicial corruption. Join the Campaign for Judicial Integrity in Louisiana to remedy those problems by making the system right and ridding the Louisiana judiciary of bad and corrupt judges.

Harmful Effect of Money in Louisiana Government

Motion to Quash LLC takes action against government corruption and retribution in Louisiana. No one can get a fair trial before judges who receive illegal payments from attorneys and retroactive immunity from criminal prosecution.

A significant number of judges in Louisiana receive illegal payments from attorneys in the form of campaign contributions. Motion to Quash LLC is taking the steps to pass legislation that says any judge who receives contributions from attorneys no longer can sit on the seat in the district where the attorneys practice. What You Can Do to Rid the Louisiana Judiciary of Bad and Corrupt Judges

There is continuing fraud before the courts in Louisiana and the Louisiana judicial system is in a crisis. This is the underlying story of how judges receiving illegal contributions and payments to increase their own interests has corrupted the Louisiana judicial system.

The Louisiana Supreme Court and Court of Appeal Justices and Superior Court Justices at all times knew and know at present, many Louisiana judges sit on cases in which they are disqualified under law because the attorney gave them a criminal payment and: (1) appears before them as a party; (2) appears as a witness; or (3) has an interest.

The mission of the Campaign for Judicial Integrity in Louisiana is to disqualify the judges who are receiving money from attorneys and end corruption and take back our judicial system.

How to Disqualify Your Judge

Responsibility falls on citizens to reclaim our justice system. The method is for the people to file LA Code Crim Pro 987 based on fraud upon the court. Motion to Set Aside Conviction and Dismiss Prosecution; Rule to Show Cause; and Order of Dismissal forms are to be used. Here is a link to the forms provided by LSAC

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Also, federal laws provide an opportunity to reverse the judge’s ruling and move forward with working the case to its logical conclusion. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VIClause 2), establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the “supreme Law of the Land” and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws.

Section 1346 of Title 18United States Code provides an intangible right to honest services.  The statute has been applied by federal prosecutors in cases of public corruption as well as in cases in which private individuals breached a fiduciary duty to another.

Exercise Your Rights & Contact Your Legislators

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Motion to Quash LLC is drafting legislation and sending it to every legislator to stop any judge from receiving payments from attorneys who may appear before them. The next step for you, the voters, will be to exercise your rights to contact your legislators, who are your representatives and work for you, and urge them to get the amendment passed. Remember, these payments have affected every aspect of the court system, so now is the time for action.

“If you have been hurt by a judicial decision or by a corrupt judge and you want to do something about it, this is the only thing that you can do. Protesting in the street is not going to get you anywhere. Making music or noise is not going to get you anywhere. Exercising your right will get you somewhere.” – Dr. Richard Fine, Founder, Vote for Justice, Campaign for Judicial Integrity.

Recognized by the National Whistleblower Center (NWC), Tracie Burke is Louisiana author of She can be reached at Motion to Quash LLC successfully promoted legislation that supports the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 and amendments to the Whistleblower Protection Act. Please Support journalism in the public interest by contributing today. Click here to donate Motion to Quash ISSN 2644-1594 is the copyrighted property of Motion to Quash LLC 2019.  NWC’s mission is to support whistleblowers in their efforts to expose and help prosecute corruption and other wrongdoing around the world. 

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15 thoughts on “Join the Campaign for Judicial Integrity in Louisiana”

  1. I have experienced it first hand and have had enough of the corruption! I’m joining the fight!

    1. I’m done with the corruption that we continue to be faced with in the 21st Century.

  2. Had to fight 8 yrs to get disability due to an inherited blood disorder. But let a man walk in claim they have a back injury and walk out with a big smile. SS is a joke they have robbed what was set up as a trust! I was practically dead but got denied and had to wait another 4 yrs. for a court date. SD does NOT follow their own laws!!! Lost my home and almost my life. DISGUSTED!!!!

    1. Thank you for sharing your story with us, you are not alone. Together we have one strong voice.

  3. I am a disabled veteran and a Lafayette City Court Judge allowed a debt collector to file a lawsuit against me for a $2641 medical debt in spite of the fact that I gave a copy of my VA health card, Humana Card, and Medicare Health card copy to the emergency room at the Lafayette General Medical Center which they lost, and file a suit 1 year after the statute of limitations expired. I have paid the $2641 in alleged medical emergency room visit, and now I am getting a loan to pay the debt collector, Transfinancial Companies, who ruined my credit and misrepresented my alleged medical debt to all of the credit bureaus as a lon which is a violation of the Fair Debt Collections Act. I am just really upset with the judge for allowing the debt collector attorney to file suit a year after the statute of limitations. Good ole boy favors in Lafayette.

    1. You have a right to be upset with the judge for allowing a debt collector to file a lawsuit after the statute of limitations passed. Maybe you can ask an attorney about reversing the judge’s decision. Hope everything works out for you. Thank you very much for your comment.

  4. For very warranted fear of retribution wont give my name, but having worked for Federal law enforcment; having had ex-Jefferson Parish Sheriff Deputies come work at my agencies & get all the “secret inside corruption’ of JPSO, DA & Judges, & after a 30 years unblemished background, personally caught up in their NOT ‘SEEKING JUSTICE..BUT ‘blantantly violating my supposed Constitutional Rights & even being complicit in outside their jurisdiction, with party in my Civil matter, to destroy my civil case & use it through conspiring & colluding business owner & deputies to use in malicious prosecution as vehicle to obstruct case’..with a former disgraced FBI Operation Wrinkle Robe Judge working for Corrupt Connbick…disgraced lawyer that brided jailed former Judge Proteus giving campaign funds to Judge hearing my case & who represented the other party…with Normand’s puppet Lopinto & his joke of an internal affairs doing nothing,,,yet months before their efforts..when I presents printed out texts by that party threatening my life …did zero…JEFFERSON PARISH IS NOW MORE CORRUPT THAN NEW ORLEANS EVER WAS…THEY NEED A ‘CONSENT DECREE YESTERDAY’…AND A LA SUPREME COURT, BAR ASSOCIATION, FBI AND JUSTICE DEPT SERIOUS INVESTIGATION INTO 24TH JDC JUDGES AND DA OFFICE YESTERDAY.

    1. Thank you for your disclosure and for joining our campaign for judicial integrity in Louisiana. Without people like you, we would not be able to continue our mission to provide good information to the public. We appreciate you!

  5. i was a home owner a business owner without a care in the world , when i was overrun by 6 police and deputies one evening as i worked in my ptrivate bus , i said may i help you ladies and gentlemabn, they said are you …i am .we are here tp evict you, i said i own this home, paid for and if your evicting me should i get a notice , you got 1, no i did not i never got any reg, mail, no one from any law enforcement handed me any and your at my front door i dont see one posted conspicuously, there reply we couldnt get to your front door, well u got to it pretty easy just now, they said we served you yesterday ,but i was home all day yesterday , but where is it l they walked around the far side of my property anf rolled up like a fruitrollup taped to a pole ,one of 6 was a pc of paper which statted i was to appear in court that day just an hour before this meeting , then the complaint was damage to property, i had a lease in perpetuity id been there for almost a decade nicest place best view and property always abiding by the rules, he actually told a judge that i was damaging his property ,no mentio
    n that it was my home , the judgement went against me , i was pushed out ogf my home without my monet my wallet i was in a pair of shorts with no shirt i said ill call my attorney they said no unless you want to go to jail. i left over 45,000.00 in antique billiard tables jewelery family posessions my godfathers war medals his green beret cap my italian grandmothers rosary from the vatican carpethium elm bishops chair boate cars jetskis motors 6500-00 in cash .. then i just so happened to get beaten and lost my vision that was perfect by a man who attacked me from behind with concrete who knows the complaintant …and although i reported it im dumbfounded didgusted and noe a burden to mysekf my family and i have no longer the ability to travel 4 hours because im told i cant make a complaint from a different parish,,, and i can prove all of this including the selling ofv of my property by the friend of the man who complained and stole my home ,,,im told that id be arrested when i made a phone call to the criminal complaintant threatts are obviously more criminal than a beating a attempted murder for profit in america ”’

    1. Thank you for joining the Campaign for Judicial Integrity in Louisiana. Together we have one strong voice!

  6. Everything I worked hard and honestly for in my 66 years of life was taken from me illegally by Mark Anthony Arcidiacono reality LLC,attorneys Mitchell Teitelbaum,Kelly Fernandez,Cindy Hill Ford,Brian Goodrich,Damion Ozark,Peter Collins,Eric Lanigan Judge Paul Allisondroni,Judge Doug Henderson and magistrate Debra Baily.There is overwhelming evidence against them being covered up in court records and police reports.William Joseph Cagliostro

    1. Your comment is greatly appreciated. Thank you for joining the Campaign for Judicial Integrity in Louisiana. Together we have one strong voice!

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